Sunday, March 17, 2013

Xander's Chance by Lizzy Ford

So we all knew Xander was gonna be badass but we didn't know how much badass he'll be! Okay so let's get down to business Xander is a crude MOFO, "Wanna f*** a celebrity?" Hot right? Obviously subtlety isn't his strong point, and I mean really it's not his strong point, "You're not supposed to ask me questions. I can ask whatever I want in my f***ing house." Yea I know my panties well... you get the point (winks) It's good to see that Jonny hasn't changed much still an a**hole, "I hate those f***ers," Jonny muttered. "You on board, or am I eating you for dinner?" Xander he's just... crude (not complaining because on him that's dam sexy) "That's your impression of me? Warm and intimate? Like Santa Clause or some shit?" I mean the boy does have a woman in his bed like EVERY night and no it's never the same one so of course he'll be thinking with his p**is a lot I mean not that I can blame him with looks like his and all, "I can't read your mind, and you're the only woman who has been in my bedroom who I haven't f***ed. It makes sense to me." Also he's an ass man ladies which mean if ya'll have nice asses just throw yourselves at him (winks again) "You've got a nice ass," Xander said. "Real women have something back there to grab." Jessie that girl oh bless her heart isn't like the sex-crazed women he's used to she actually has a mind of her own, "You bit me, Xander! I don't want that moment immortalized, the only thing the world ever knows about me, that some sadistic man-whore with rabies bit me on the beach." I'd say these two make a perfect couple, anyone else agree with me? Honestly out of the 'Gods' series this one is my favorite that Lizzy has written to date.

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