Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Beautiful Wreck by Kasey Lane

Bowen doesn't really have much game, “you didn’t startle me. And I think that dress looks smokin’… uh, pretty.” There are times Bowen is often confused, “so when do we get started?” Started? On what? More kissing? She stood staring at him with her brows raised. “On the tattoo, Bowen.” Sometimes a girl just has to spell it out for Bowen, the man doesn't take hints, “well, then, what the eff is your intention? You don’t touch me for a week and now suddenly you’re jerking me around. I just want to have ***, Bowen! I want you to pick me up and eff me against the wall. That’s what I want you to do.” I liked this book, I fell in love with Bowen.

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