Monday, May 14, 2018

Arden by Melody Anne

There are times I think Arden is jealous of his dog, "Max gave a murmur of agreement as his eyes slanted at Arden in a mocking manner. Arden wasn’t normally a man prone to violence, but he wanted to give the mutt a swift kick in the hind end." Arden doesn't like anyone of the opposite *** next to his woman, “yeah, I’ll take care of her just fine,” Arden said. “Go and sit back down.” Kian began laughing, making Arden scowl at him." Arden just doesn't like interruptions, “we’re good here,” he told her. “Go away.” Normally he was never rude, but he wanted to be alone with Keera right now." I liked this book, I fell in love with Arden.

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